☆☆☆ | v2.0 20250301 | Main dataset DNA SNV and INDEL V2 (internal) data release |
☆☆ | v1.0 20250123 | Heracles report package live release |
☆☆ | v1.0 20250120 | PanelAppRex package live release |
☆☆☆ | v1.0 20250102 | Main dataset DNA SNV and INDEL V1 (internal) data release |
☆☆ | v1.0 20241220 | PCA SNV and INDEL Design V1 release |
☆ | v1.0 20241219 | Multiple QC metrics for WGS 3 |
☆☆ | v1.0 20241217 | Statistical Genomics Design V1 release |
☆ | v1.0 20241217 | QV SNV and INDEL Design V1 release |
☆☆ | v1.0 20241217 | DNA SNV and INDEL Design V1 release |
☆ | v1.0 20241217 | Multiple QC metrics for WGS 2 |
☆ | v1.0 20241217 | Multiple QC metrics for WGS 1 |
☆ | v1.0 20241210 | Reference genome Update |
☆☆ | v1.0 20241205 | Panels of all known (GE) disease associated genes implemented |
☆☆ | v0.9 20240929 | GWAS implemented |
☆ | v0.8 20240827 | Guru System Overview |
☆ | v0.7 20240820 | Structural variants (SV) test methods |
☆☆ | v0.6 20240807 | PCA biplot analysis with 1KG for ancestry |
☆ | v0.5 20230823 | VSAT SetID configuration |
☆ | v0.4 20230727 | BWA algorithm implemented for WGS |
☆ | v0.4 20230727 | Fastp QC added |
☆ | v0.4 20230727 | FASTQ processing added |
☆☆ | v0.3 20230531 | Main annotation sources added |
☆☆ | v0.2 20230425 | VSAT module to test genomics |
☆☆ | v0.2 20230425 | ACAT module to test mulitomics |
☆ | v0.1 20220701 | Design Document |